Terms and conditions

Anyone using OSAsense has read, and agrees to, the following terms and conditions:

Prerequisites for using OSAsense

Use of OSAsense is governed by this agreement. OSAsense is a service of OSAsense B.V.. OSAsense B.V. is located at Irenesingel 19, 7481 GJ, Haaksbergen, the Netherlands. OSAsense B.V. does not offer medical advice or make a diagnosis. Data on oxygen saturation, ODI, heart rate, blood pressure, weight, and other related metrics, are used by the treating physician as part of a medical screening.

Patient and physician are responsible for proper and accurate recording data. Patients and healthcare professionals are responsible for the security of the data with which they access OSAsense. OSAsense B.V. owns all rights to the OSAsense service. OSAsense B.V. grants, participating healthcare professionals, a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the OSAsense service for the duration of the respective contract.

OSAsense B.V. grants a patient, after the attending physician has created a registration for the patient in question, a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license for the one-time use of the OSAsense service.

The user of OSAsense is solely responsible for the security (including proper virus protection) and integrity of the computer used to consult the website, and transfer the measurement data. If one of the supplied materials does not function properly, it can be reported to the OSAsense helpdesk. The latter, in consultation with the user, will decide on an appropriate solution.

OSAsense services

OSAsense B.V. uses only CE certified pulse oximeters. The OSAsense pulse oximeters communicate with the OSAsense platform through OSAsense software installed on the healthcare provider's computer(s). The data measured by the patient is sent via the healthcare provider's computer to the secure OSAsense website.

OSAsense B.V. has taken a variety of measures to ensure that this information transfer is secure and reliable. Only users with a unique username and password can use the secure website. Data is stored on computer systems that are in a highly secure environment. OSAsense B.V. acts in accordance with all national and international regulations regarding secure information transfer.

OSAsense B.V. acts in accordance with standards such as "information security in healthcare, NEN7510, 7511 and 7512" and standards for the secure use of passwords (NEN12251). Only the patient and healthcare professionals have access to the personal data. The patient must give OSAsense B.V. explicit permission to store data and make it available to the healthcare professional(s). In addition, OSAsense B.V. has contracts with healthcare institutions and physicians in which they authorize OSAsense B.V. to process patient data. Protection of privacy is described in detail in the privacy statement.

OSAsense service availability

OSAsense B.V. strives for an availability of its services of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (24/7). To this end, OSAsense B.V. has taken various technical measures. OSAsense B.V. cannot guarantee that 24/7 availability will be realized in all cases. OSAsense B.V. therefore accepts no liability in any form whatsoever for damage or injury resulting from or arising from the use or dissemination of the information on this site or arising from technical faults.

Reference Netherlands ICT terms and conditions 2014

In addition to the above, all offers, services and agreements of OSAsense B.V., to the extent not inconsistent with the above, are subject to the Netherlands ICT Terms and Conditions 2014, as filed with the Chamber of Commerce under number 30174840.